It is pretty fucking difficult to update a blog when I am moving from place to place and literally living out of a suitcase. I moved out of my apartment to move to France..you know take risks, see the world, be spontaneous....well, actually I kinda have to..its for school credit :P
but anyway, the excitement is still the same but its so damn hard! I have been staying with two friends in Helsinki..crashing on their couch... while I wait for the 8th of September when I leave on a jet plane to Oslo, Norway..then to Paris, France......then to Lille, France. Oh the excitement!
Not so exciting once I get to Lille, I will be homeless...French bureaucracy sucks ass!!! but I guess I will learn to live by it. Viva La France!
Well, I am sitting in a restaurant using thier free internet..woot woot! No internet where I am staying...
..hope to post some cool videos/new bands/artist/something..soon!!!!