Thursday 22 April 2010

[little Monsters]

...everyone! it is early in the morning over 5 something in the morning. I decided to pull and all nighter because I am currently working on my 'monster' of a bachelor's thesis. I promised my thesis supervisor I would turn in my final draft today at some point...damn! I kinda feel like I am far from sending it to him 'at some point today'.
Ever done that? make a promise you can't keep and you end up feeling like a little s***ty monster? even though you know that little promise you made is not genuine? get a funny feeling ..more like a hurling your stomach cuz yer nervous that you won't be able to keep your word? does your conscience eat away at you? does it make you beat yourself up?

...quiet little monsters...

\ not sure what it means, but it makes me feel so happy. Especially the guitars and the man's voice. Although I would love to hear it with some synths going on...but anyway, they are pretty relevant.

SO, the time has end this...and to get back to my thesis. Its basically broad daylight, its 5 something a.m, and I will put off the electricity.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

does it make Sense?

This gives you some sort of weird feeling im not sure what to feel. I love coz it makes me happy...i hate it coz it makes me angry...its emotional and makes me want to cry...scream...laugh...

This is how it feels like to feel everything at once.
I'm not sure what to do... play it over and over again?
As I stare at the movements of the people in the video..who seem to be on some kind of trip..
I kinda feel like I want to join them. Walk with Milo and Robbie...

good by Design...

...everyone! My usual morning routine is to wake up, visit loo, get a cup of coffee, put on my computer, check emails and finally spend time reading some of my favourite blogs...which happen to be either about music or fashion. And that is exactly what I did today..
As I was downloading some awesome new indie tracks, I came across Band of Horses. Its been sooo long since I heard them and the first thing I thought when I saw their picture I remembered their first single "The Funeral" love love!

This music video is why I started listening to them:

Just thought I would share with you why this band f***ing rocks! ALSO, you can check out their new song that they performed at the SXSW 2010 (some festival that is held annually) the song hasn't come out yet-expected to be released in May- so live performance will do :).

Vid is kinda sucky...its like partly cut on the right...anyway, that's besides the point, this band is good by design!!!!

That's all for now...time to get back to sketching...its a birthday present <3

...lights out!