Thursday 22 April 2010

[little Monsters]

...everyone! it is early in the morning over 5 something in the morning. I decided to pull and all nighter because I am currently working on my 'monster' of a bachelor's thesis. I promised my thesis supervisor I would turn in my final draft today at some point...damn! I kinda feel like I am far from sending it to him 'at some point today'.
Ever done that? make a promise you can't keep and you end up feeling like a little s***ty monster? even though you know that little promise you made is not genuine? get a funny feeling ..more like a hurling your stomach cuz yer nervous that you won't be able to keep your word? does your conscience eat away at you? does it make you beat yourself up?

...quiet little monsters...

\ not sure what it means, but it makes me feel so happy. Especially the guitars and the man's voice. Although I would love to hear it with some synths going on...but anyway, they are pretty relevant.

SO, the time has end this...and to get back to my thesis. Its basically broad daylight, its 5 something a.m, and I will put off the electricity.