Saturday 22 May 2010

heavy as a mountain

for the past couple of weeks, i have had to get used to saying goodbye to so many close friends who are/have left this little town. and what is one to cant do anything about it. since i was younger, i have gotten used to meeting new people and i always make the mistake of getting so god damn close and when its time to part ways, it hurts so fucking bad!
i thought we would never leave..but it all went wrong. and all i have left is memories...but i dont want memories. i want all the time i have spent with my friends to be forever..i dont want to dwell on memories..coz it tears me apart. and for many, you may not understand...

this song, reminds me of today....saying goodbye to one of my friends...i helped her move out of her apartment and watched her drive away with her father. and i may not see her for a really really long time...(a long time to me is more than 5 days) thinking 1/2 months...

i know i sound whiny..but what am i to do, this is the only thing on my mind..

Sunday 16 May 2010

well, hells bells!!

found this lady with a flipping awesome voice!! kinda like the person who you would want to see live...coz they sound sooo much better. i love those artists who are just so amazing that they sound soooo much better live.

kudos cary ann hearst... *heart*
(short post...just thought i would share this..before i forget)

just feeling a lil terminally chill :), second day this year, hung out with some pretty cool guys that are...hmmm prettycoolguys :P ...its wierd..tho i have we've not really hung out since i dont know..but, feels like we've known eachother for awhile :)
..makes me feel a lil, relaxed...get along fine...and they make me feel a lil terminally chill ^_^

Friday 14 May 2010

could YOU wave goodbye to sun?

..i am off to make something of myself in the world...and by that I mean trying to ace an exam that I have not studied for. But, all I need is a kiss of life!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

if i could be anyone? I would be chaz bundick my opinion, chaz bundick is king of chillwave (not technically..but lets just say..) At the moment, Toro y Moi is one of my favorite bands at least for since end of last year till present.

awesome songs...kinda give a diff. vibe...kinda like how its experimental and...chillwavey :P

Monday 10 May 2010



a rather interesting boy band from new york who have some rather interesting pop indie chill sound... you cant do anything but <3>

might be added to my 'play over and over again' playlist.


a new favorite in my female lead singer band...they have a kinda trad. indie/pop ear. kinda for your laid back moments...especially on a nice sunny day.

not sure which one of these two bands i like better...but oh well, doesnt really matter. they are pretty new to me so im still experiencing their sounds...good night!!!!!!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

|down...somewhere down there|

Worrying about multiple things at the same time has the possibility of giving someone a nervous break down, right? Especially when you don't know where to start. All the stress that comes with that worrying gives you butterflies in your stomach...and its not the good kind of butterflies.

Its the kind that makes you kinda want to pull out your insides because you feel so damn uncomfortable. You don't want to throw don't want to want to cry but you cant really do that because for some reason you can't. And you wonder, will everything that I am worrying about work out in the end. Will they work out in a way that I will be happy in the end and I will think, hmm, everything works out well in the end....or, will they work out in way that I will just be disappointed and think, #$^@! I knew it?

Its uncertain to tell when this feeling will leave me. But it might be here for awhile until all my worries are dealt with and pass...atleast something has to work out. Until then, I might just have to get used to this this thinking constantly about what ever it is that is worrying me.

I don't know what to do...because like everyone else, I'm caught in a life that I cant get out of but one that I love.
"So what can I say, what can I do. I'm running in circles, save me. It's holding me down...what about you?" (Donkeyboy)

For now, I will sleep and not feel the way I do just for a few hours...and there is no need to turn off any electricity in this little tote because down here... down here is pretty dark already as it is.

I'm running in circles, save me! And it's holding me down...somewhere down there.