Saturday 22 May 2010

heavy as a mountain

for the past couple of weeks, i have had to get used to saying goodbye to so many close friends who are/have left this little town. and what is one to cant do anything about it. since i was younger, i have gotten used to meeting new people and i always make the mistake of getting so god damn close and when its time to part ways, it hurts so fucking bad!
i thought we would never leave..but it all went wrong. and all i have left is memories...but i dont want memories. i want all the time i have spent with my friends to be forever..i dont want to dwell on memories..coz it tears me apart. and for many, you may not understand...

this song, reminds me of today....saying goodbye to one of my friends...i helped her move out of her apartment and watched her drive away with her father. and i may not see her for a really really long time...(a long time to me is more than 5 days) thinking 1/2 months...

i know i sound whiny..but what am i to do, this is the only thing on my mind..